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Huawei MT882 + Linksys WRT160n

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Registo: 05 Nov 2005
Mensagens: 45

MensagemColocada: 25 Abr 2010 11:31    Assunto: Huawei MT882 + Linksys WRT160n Responder com citação

Arranjei agora um Router Linksys WRT160n e queria ligá-lo ao meu Huawei MT882, o problema é que eu ponho o cd de instalação do Linksys (estando tudo ligado como deve ser) ele percorre os passos todos de configuração excepto o último em que dá um erro do tipo 302: Internal Error.
Alguém pode me dar uma ajudinha?
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MensagemColocada: 25 Abr 2010 11:31    Assunto: Anúncios Google AdSense

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Registo: 05 Nov 2005
Mensagens: 45

MensagemColocada: 28 Abr 2010 16:11    Assunto: Responder com citação

Problema resolvido... agora tenho outro problema, sinal fraco em toda a casa excepto no quarto em que tenho o router, ja mudei o canal padrao, modo de rede (so b, so g...)

Aqui fica como resolvi arranjei no google:

I understand you are getting error 302 when running the setup of your new Linksys router correct? This error usually occurs because of a firewall or toolbar installed on your computer that is interfering with the setup. If it were me I would actually stop trying to use the setup CD and just configure the router manually. I have provided instructions on how to do so below:

1. Plug your computer directly into the router's LAN port 1 and plug your Internet source into the router's WAN/Internet port.
2. Reset your Internet modem and your Linksys router so that they sync with each other.
3. Reboot your computer so that it gets a new ip address from the Linksys router.
4. Once your computer reboot, open Internet Explorer and go to
5. You will be prompted for a username and password. On a new WRT160N these are both admin - click OK after entering and you should be allowed into the router.
6. You will be presented with the Basic Setup page. This is where you choose how you connect to your ISP and how you want your router to hand out addresses to your computers. You can leave all options on this page at the defaults if you want except for the first one (Internet Connection Type). This one must match your ISP. Most cable providers use Automatic Configuration - DHCP which is the default for your router, however some DSL providers use PPOE and if that is the case you will need to change this choice to reflect that and then enter your PPOE username/password (if you provide the name of your ISP I will give you a concrete answer).
7. After making any neccessary changes to this page click Save Settings at the bottom of the page. The page will refresh and you can move on to the next step.
8. The next step is to setup your wireless. Even if you are not using wireless computers you should still do this step because it prevents others from stealing your Internet service. Click the Wireless tab.
9. On this tab the only setting you need to worry about is the SSID. By default this is set to Linksys (or some variation thereof). Please change it to whatever you want, but keep in mind that this is the network name that is broadcast so you might want to make it something clandestine so people don't know it is yours. Once again, once you have changed the setting click Save Settings.
10. After the screen refresh please click the Security sub-tab under Wireless. Here is where you will set the password for you Wireless network. This is important to keep people from stealing your Internet service. Please choose WPA Personal (doesn't matter which version, but 2 is better) and then choose a WPA key. This key is what you and your guests will have to type in to access the wireless network. Again, click Save Settings when finished.
11. The last step is to set an admin password. Click on the Administration tab and then change the password to something that you will remember (the default is admin). Enter it 2x in the spaces provided and then click Save Settings. This time upon the screen refresh you will be prompted for a username and password. The username is XXXXX XXXXX, but the password is now whatever you just created.
12. Close Internet Explorer.
13. That's it! Now you can plug up to four computers into your router and many wireless clients can also be added. Let me know if you need specific instructions on connecting wireless clients. Thanks!

Read more: http://www.justanswer.com/questions/23jyo-my-new-router-which-is-a-wrt160n-keeps-getting-error-302#ixzz0m74mLAfL
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